Trick or Treat yo-self party!
Join us for a
Thursday 10/31/19, 6pm
~Free event!
~Several make n take/project options available for the evening, including this awesome piece to hang in your door frame!
Uses 18 & 26 g wire, and bring your tools if you've got them since I'm sure it will be a full house!!
~Costumes welcomed but not required
~And the theme is to TREAT YO-SELF so to help with that, we'll be giving you 40% off your ENTIRE purchase that night!! So start making a list of what special items you've had your eye on for a while ;)
~Potluck desserts or appetizers also welcomed but not required
~It will also be a great time to get those pumpkin spice and falling leaves candle kits ready to go!

~And there will be tons of other fall themed kits available that evening, so come planning to play!